Hell's Population Clock

When people neglect to think about the hereafter; they become like a frog boiled to
death by starting it out in cold water.

Mark 4:3-19 . . Hearken! Behold, there went out a sower to sow: and some fell
among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. These
are they such as hear the word, and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness
of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word and it becometh

Well, hello there
My, it's been a long, long time
How am I doing?
Oh, I guess that I'm doing fine

It's been so long now
But it seems now that it was only yesterday
Gee, ain't it funny
How time slips away?

(Billy Walker, 1961)

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 82 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 5,711,136 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
FAQ: What might Hell's culture be like?

REPLY: Seeing as how nobody down there has any more reason to be civil, then I
should think new arrivals can expect to be ill treated in that world.

Also, folks down there are deprived of the regeneration spoken of per John 3:3-8 so
they are there as they were here. Well; human nature tends to deteriorate, sort of
like the decay experienced by road kill and spoiled fruits and vegetables. I'd expect
that the lost get badder and badder and badder as time goes on so that even a
saint like Mother Teresa would eventually become so evil that her conduct in Hell
would be disturbing to behold.

And then; according to Matt 7:21-23, not everyone talking the talk will make the
cut; for example:

There are no guarantees in the Catholic religion, not even for the hierarchy; which
has me a bit concerned about my eldest brother. He served Rome as a Catholic
priest for 53+ years before passing away as a Friar back in 2018.

Well; I would not want to be him because if perchance my brother ended up on the
wrong side of things in the afterlife, he will surely be mocked cruelly and without
pity by some of the ugly folks imprisoned in the netherworld. I can just hear their
giggling and their taunts:

Hey Christian! How's about sharing the gospel with us ay? Tell us about the love of
God and how that's working for ya. Awwwww-Haw-Haw-Haw-Hawwwwwwwww!

I'd rather end up in perdition as a Bernie Madoff than a failed priest because ol'
ponzi schemer Bernie is sure to be given far more respect down there than a man
of the cloth.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 84 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 5,850,432 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
I think most folks would agree that monsters like Kim Jong-Un, Xi Jinping, Robert
Mugabe, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, human traffickers,
drug cartel kingpins, mass murderers, and serial killers belong in Hell; but why are
decent folk down there?

Well; obviously humanity's moral compass points to a different north than their
maker's, viz: sometimes what's tolerable in human reasoning is unacceptable to
God. Why is that?

In the beginning; humanity was created with a conscience patterned after its
maker's conscience.

"And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness . . So God created
man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female
created he them." (Gen 1:26-27)

Then came the forbidden fruit incident, whereby humanity's conscience lost its
innocence and became humanistic.

"Then the Lord God said: Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good
and evil." (Gen 3:22)

In other words; Man became a tin God conducting himself in accord with his own
moral values.

* There's a rather humorous scene in Dante's Inferno where these two guys who
knew each other in life are quarreling over who deserves Hell more than the other;
which is pretty silly when it's considered that both were condemned to the same
level down there. For example: a number of elitist Christians are far more tolerant
of dishonesty than they are of immorality yet both the liar and the deviant are on
track for the very same fate. (Rev 21:8)

I rather suspect that quite a few folks sincerely believe God has made a big mistake
sending them down there. In their judicious estimation; others deserve it for sure,
but not themselves.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 86 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 5,989,728 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
FAQ: Was Adam's disobedience a Hell-worthy transgression?

REPLY: According to Gen 2:17 it was a death-worthy transgression. In other words;
the proper penalty for Adam's mistake was simply his loss of immortality; and of
course loss of access to the tree of life to make sure he'd die. (Gen 3:22-24) Now
as for Adam's later sins; that's another story.

FAQ: Did Jesus' virgin conception insulate him from Adam's fall?

REPLY: Note the grammatical tense of Rom 5:12 --it's past rather than present or

"Through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death
spread to all men, because all sinned."

In a nutshell; the so-called original sin isn't hereditary, rather; it's attributed; and it
isn't attributed to each in his own time, but was attributed to everyone all at once
in real time. In other words: the moment Adam tasted the forbidden fruit his entire
posterity was doomed to mortality right then and there-- no delay and no waiting

The thing is: although Jesus wasn't biologically related to Joseph, he was
biologically related to his mother, and she in turn was biologically related to Eve
who was constructed top to bottom, inside and out, front to back, and side to side
with material taken from Adam's body; thus making Jesus a legitimate member of
Adam's posterity. So then; had Jesus not died on the cross, he would've eventually
died of some other cause because the Word per John 1:1-3 didn't come into the
world per John 1:14 as supernatural flesh, rather, as ordinary Jewish flesh. (Gen
49:10, Rom 1:3, and Rom 8:3)

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 88 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 6,129,024 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
The disturbing scene depicted at Rev 20:11-15 will be presided over by none other
than the sweet little babe away in a manger.

John 5:21-23 . . Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all
judgment to the Son

Acts 17:31 . . He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the
man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the

Misogyny was given quite a bit of negative press during former US President Donald
Trump's administration; while misandry was condoned as if acceptable. But malice
is unacceptable with God on any level; and I think we have to accept the possibility
that there are just as many, if not more, man haters in Hell as there are woman

Rom 2:9-11. .There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does
evil: For God does not show favoritism.

Women are not a protected species with God; nor is their gender a mitigating
factor. They will be judged solely on the basis of their lives just the same as men.

Rev 20:12-15 . . I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and
books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead
were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea
gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were
in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. . . And
whosoever's name was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of

* I would really hate to be a woman infected with militant misandry because in the
end, it will be a man that casts angry women into the lake of fire and permanently
ruining any chances they might have had for happiness in the future. For all
eternity, condemned man haters will grind their teeth with hot tears and white
knuckled fury that they ultimately lost out on everything because of one lone male's
obsessive control over their lives.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 91 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 6,337,968 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
2Tim 3:1-3 . . This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For
people shall be . . .without natural affection

The Greek word translated "without natural affection" means hard-hearted towards
kindred; viz: lacking in sympathetic understanding i.e. unfeeling, pitiless,
thoughtless, insensitive, cruel, and inhumane.

* That was played out very large during China's cultural revolution under Chairman
Mao Zedong. (1966-1976)

There are actually kids growing up in homes right here in the USA where their
parents never give them even one atta-boy. As a result, they grow up feeling ugly,
unwanted, stupid, useless, marginal, expendable, incompetent, and unnecessary.

There are also kids growing up in homes where moms never hug them nor bother
to take the time to forge a bond between mother and child. Thus they grow up with
reactive attachment disorder; feeling convinced that no one could possibly ever
love them or be their best friend forever. RAD kids grow up to become adults with
some serious trust issues.

There are monsters at large burning their kids with cigarettes, pouring Tabasco
sauce in their eyes, locking them in hall closets and basements without food and
water for days, ignoring their opinions, demeaning them with denigrating labels,
ridiculing them, threatening their lives, working them as slaves without
compensation, denying their kids things just so they won't appear to indulge them,
and/or saying "no" to their kids' requests for no good reason than that they don't
want to seem weak and under their control.

Those cruel beasts routinely abuse their kids' human rights and relegate them to
the level of livestock rather than bona fide human beings with feelings and a mind
of their own. They nurture within their kids a feeling of unimportance, of not
belonging in their own home, and making them feel like an invasive species and
uninvited guests.

Ergo: people without natural affection can't be allowed to associate with the
civilized folks of Heaven-- they have to be kept back; quarantined.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 93 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 6,477,264 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
The way I figure it: seeing as how God is an intelligent, mature adult (so to speak)
who's never petty, nor capricious, nor biased, nor fickle, nor impulsive, nor
unreasonable, and takes no kind of sick pleasure in causing people harm; then God
must be just as stuck with Hell and can't make it go away with any more ease than
we can.

For reasons I have yet to even guess, Hell is unavoidable even for God because it's
somehow the right thing to do; i.e. it has to be utilized for confinement in order to
satisfy a level of justice that our limited little minds may never be able to fully

Ps 145:17 . .The Lord is righteous in all His ways

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 95 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 6,616,560 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
FAQ: Doesn't 1Tim 2:4 say it is God's will that everyone be spared?

REPLY: It was likely God's will that no one perish in the Flood, but many did

2Pet 2:4 . . God did not spare the ancient world when he brought the Flood on its
ungodly people; but saved only Noah plus seven others.

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a fair warning of terrors yet to come.

2Pet 2:6 . . He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to
ashes; making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 97 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 6,755,856 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
1John 4:10 . . . God loved us when we didn't love Him, and sent His son as an
atoning sacrifice for our sins.

The Greek verb for love in that passage speaks of benevolence sans any particular
affection and/or fondness. This is the manner of love we're required to extend to
everyone regardless of whether we like them or not.

In a nutshell, the love expressed in sending Christ to die for God's enemies was an
act of gratuitous kindness, care, pity, courtesy, and sympathy which should not be
mistaken to indicate that He particularly likes any of us. In point of fact, God most
likely detests a pretty large number of people for whom Christ died; yet He's not
indifferent to their safety because God is basically a neighborly sort of person. (Matt

"He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of
the whole world." (1John 2:2)

BTW: If perchance somebody hasn't done so already; take a moment to speak with
God about what His son has done for you.

You might begin by finding a private place to pray: anywhere quiet away from
people will do.

Cover your face with your hands, it will give you a sense of connection; and aloud
or under your breath, share with God your concerns; tell Him you're worried: you
know you're a sinner and will likely never be any different. Then tell Him you've
heard Christ died for the sins of the world. Tell Him you'd like to take advantage of
His son's death for your own sins.

* Be sure to thank God for His time. It won't make any difference but He does
appreciate good manners.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 99 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 6,895,152 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
Zech 1:5 . .Where are your forefathers now? And the prophets, do they live

My parents are gone, and the great preacher Billy Graham is gone. My favorite rock
and roll guitar player during the years I was a teen-ager was Chuck Berry. He's
gone. When I was a sophomore in high school, me and a buddy went to see "The
Blob" starring a rather unknown actor at the time named Steve McQueen. He's
gone. My eldest brother entered the Catholic priesthood and anon became a Friar.
He's gone. My kid brother, who was the strongest and the bravest among all my
siblings is gone. My bestest friend ever, whom I'd known since the 2nd grade in
elementary school is gone; shot to death by law enforcement. My very favorite
nephew is gone too; dropped dead to the floor of unknown causes at 51.

There's hardly a year goes by without someone passing away that at one time was
very important to me --constant reminders that nobody lives forever and neither
will I. At my current age of 80+ and diagnosed with esophageal cancer, I'll be
passing away not too long from now. Most of my life has already been lived and I'm
in the home stretch; heading for the exit. When I was a youngster, life's horizon
was off in the distance forever far away; but now, with cancer taking its toll on my
aging body, it seems I'm walking on the horizon's very edge and gazing into an abyss.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 101 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 7,034,448 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
I would like it very much if my BFF, some of my associates, and my loved ones on
death row down in Hades were allowed visitor days in the afterlife because after
they're transferred to the lake of fire depicted at Rev 20:11-15, I may never get to
be with them ever again.

Christians are sometimes asked how they can possibly be happy in Heaven while
aware that their favorite people are imprisoned in suffering. Well; Rev 21:4 predicts
there will neither sorrow nor tears in the future cosmos, apparently made possible
by starting over from scratch and leaving all else behind, including memories of the

Rev 21:5 . . He who was seated on the throne said: I am making everything new!
Then he said: Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 103 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 7,173,744 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
In the story told at Luke 16-19-31, the beggar Lazarus died and was carried by
angels to the afterlife. Curiously, the rich man's transportation isn't specified.

One of the most disturbing scenes I've yet to observe in a Hollywood movie occurs
in "GHOST" starring Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. When someone marked for
the wrong side of the afterlife passes away, these eerie phantoms emerge, having
the appearance of black oily smoke, uttering awful moans, and drag their panic
stricken captives down into the ground.

I don't know if that's how the rich man in Luke's story was transported, but if so; I
can well imagine just how shocking and horrifying it must've been for him at death
to suddenly be able to see menacing spirit creatures surrounding him with looks on
their faces that could only convey but one unmistakable intent; and I suspect those
sinister beings had been hovering around that poor man and stalking him every day
and night of his entire life without him knowing it; patiently waiting for the green
light to claim their prey.

So, I wonder if the angels that provided Lazarus transportation were not also
assigned as security to protect him from being shanghaied by something similar to
those dark mists.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 105 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 7,313,040 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
Matt 5:8 . . Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

A rough-hewn definition of "pure in heart" is when someone is the same on the
inside as they are on the outside; which is just the opposite of dissembling; defined
as: to put on a false appearance, i.e. conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under
some pretense.

Dissembling is a very common form of dishonesty which is practiced by just about
everybody at one time or another. Most of us do not always want others to know
what we are actually thinking and/or feeling about certain things. The very opposite
of that is transparency, which most of us want from others, but prefer not to
reciprocate with transparency of our own.

Here's a really good example of someone pure in heart.

"When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him: Here is a true Israelite, in
whom there is nothing false." (John 1:47)

Jesus was pure in heart too.

"No deceit was found in his mouth." (1Pet 2:22)

I think we may safely assume there are no exceptions to the sixth beatitude, i.e. no
one is exempt; sincerity and forthrightness aren't optional with God; they're

"Who may ascend into the hill of The Lord? And who may stand in His holy place?
He who has . . a pure heart . . he shall receive a blessing from The Lord." (Ps 24:3

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 107 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 7,452,336 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
I obtain quite a bit of useful information from YouTube; for example how to replace
a microwave oven motor, resolve a computer issue, adjust an electric guitar's
intonation. and/or the proper way to position a lawnmower for an oil change.

I also tour the world with YouTube, visiting amazing man-made wonders and
natural wonders too. I will likely never travel and get to see those wonders for
myself as they really are before I'm dead; but out ahead is coming a one-thousand
year era on Earth wherein I've no doubt there will be plenty of opportunity to see
everything in the next life that I missed in this one.

Rev 20:6 . . Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection.
The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of
Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

I suspect that God is keeping a massive, fully comprehensive library that can
satisfy all my curiosity-- an archive of information far exceeding the contents of the
great library of Alexandria. For example: how did the ancient Egyptians build the
pyramids? How did the people of Easter Island move those massive stone heads
into position? Is there an end to space; and if so, what's on the other side? Things
like that; but also nature's secrets too. How did nature fashion those remarkable
rock formations in Utah? Or carve out the Grand Canyon?

There are many mysteries like those that I sincerely hope to find answers to some
day. But people in Hell won't be allowed access to God's library. They will never get
answers to their deepest questions about the cosmos; nor be allowed to travel to all
the exotic places on Earth that they missed in this life before passing on to the

Another benefit to the coming era is safety. I will have nothing to fear from either
the human world nor the animal kingdom. I love to explore, but tend to avoid
places that might cost me my life. Well; in the future, I'll be able to explore every
corner of the globe to my heart's content and thoroughly enjoy myself without
worrying about hazards associated with the journey like piranha, head hunters,
deadly reptiles, predatory beasts, poisonous insects, toxic vegetation, hijackers,
terrorists, and/or bandits, etc.

One thing that prevents many of us from touring the world is old age. Well, those of
us who make the cut will be immortal, so that diminished capacity will never again
be a factor dictating what we can eat and drink, were we can go, nor whether we can
make it.

Rev 20:5-6 . . But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years
were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in
the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power.

People on the wrong side of the afterlife are not only in terrible discomfort, and
existing in monotonous dismal circumstances, but they have no future to speak of.
They're on track to miss out on the pleasures of adventure, discovery, and
exploration; which are three very stimulating activities that, just about everybody
I've ever met would agree, make living worthwhile.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 109 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 7,591,632 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
Matt 22:36-40 . . Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said
unto him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments
hang all the law and the prophets.

The Greek verb translated "love" doesn't necessarily imply either affection and/or
fondness. It's just as much about the way we treat our fellow men as our personal
feelings about them. This is the kind of love that we ought to be extending to
everyone-- friend, foe, family, and stranger alike. It's the very same love that Jesus
taught in Matt 5:44 which reads:

"You have heard that it was said: You shall love your neighbor, and hate your
enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies,"

In other words; you don't especially have to like your neighbors, you family, and/or
your enemies, but you do have to be benevolent, i.e. courteous, kind, charitable,
tolerant, patient, diplomatic, tactful, gentle, reasonable, fair, deferential, cordial,
genial, affable, sociable, helpful, thoughtful, sympathetic, considerate, and
cooperative, etc. And of course those all apply to the way that people associate with
God too because the same Greek verb is used of loving God as loving one's
neighbors and enemies.

The above tells me that quite a few people are on the road to Hell simply because
their manners are uncivil, and insufferable, with both God and Man, viz: they not
only aren't nice to their fellow men, but they're not even nice to God-- they don't
care about marginalizing Him, tuning Him out, insulting Him, chafing Him, and/or
hurting His feelings. In other words: the two most important of all the
commandments bounces off their thick skulls like a banana thrown at a Russian

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 111 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 7,730,928 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
John 18:37-38 . . Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice. Pilate said to him:
What is truth?

Pilate's question was meaningful in his day because ancient philosophers
perpetually discussed and debated the nature of truth without ever achieving a
unanimous decision about it.

Well; one of Webster's definitions of "truth" is: a state of being the case; viz: fact;
which Webster's defines as the quality of being actual. In other words: truth is the
way it is; viz: truth is reality as opposed to speculation, fantasy, opinion, error,
inaccuracy, inexactness, theory, imagination, and false impressions, etc.

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.

Bohemian Rhapsody, QUEEN 1975

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 113 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 7,870,224 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
Ps 115:17-18 . .The dead do not praise The Lord, nor do any who go down into

Down below, on the wrong side of the netherworld, communication with God is
restricted. The Bible says to call upon God while He is near. Well, there comes a
time for the dead when God is too distant, i.e. He's permanently estranged. That's
a kind of silence that no one should take lightly.

Matt 8:11-12 . . I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west,
and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.
But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.

"children of the kingdom" is very likely Jacob's posterity; the Jews. Well; for sure,
not all of his people will be permitted citizenship in the kingdom predicted in the Old
Testament. According to Ezek 20:33-38 a number of them will be culled from the
herd and sent elsewhere.

Outer darkness is again spoken of in Matt 22:13 and Matt 25:30

It appears, from comparison of the available data, that "outer darkness" isn't a
location, rather, a state of mental anguish characterized by the deepest possible
feelings of grief associated with loss.

It's akin to the day that God announced to Moses' people they were going to have
to stay in that awful Sinai outback until they were dead. They missed their
opportunity to enter the land of milk and honey and there was no way to regain it
because God had made up His mind.

I've experienced deep personal grief associated with loss but one time thus far;
that was when my No.1 nephew passed away suddenly of natural causes at the age
of 51. I held him in my arms upon returning home from three years in the Army
when he was only a couple of weeks old.

News of his passing has thus far been the only time in my 80 years that I actually
clenched my teeth, sobbing out of control, and choking, while clinging to a handrail
in the front room to keep from losing my balance and falling to the floor. Outer
darkness is likely speaking of a similar depth of grief, or possibly worse.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 115 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 8,009,250 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
The criminal records associated with the great white throne event depicted at Rev
20:11-15 likely will be used to not only condemn people's actions, but also to prove
that the people themselves are not the caliber of folk with whom God prefers to

For example: God isn't comfortable with dishonesty. So if the records show that
someone is capable of deception, then they will be barred from heaven.

Ps 15:1-3 . . Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy
hill? He who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who
does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman. He who does these
things will never be shaken.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 117 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 8,148,816 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
PLAINTIFF: Your religion's supreme being knew ahead of time, by means of
precognition, that the human life he was about to create would all have to die
because of just one man's mistake, plus:

1» They would become so bad that he would have to exterminate most of them in a
global deluge,

2» They would be suffering with diseases, poverty, wars, famines, and oppression,

3» And many of them would end up in Hell.

4» To top it off: your supreme being has the chutzpa to advertise himself as a god
of love, concern, compassion, and sympathy when in reality he's cruel, fiendish,
and criminally insane.

REPLY: So in your honest opinion my religion's supreme being is a merciless
tyrannical despot far more dangerous than Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito
Mussolini, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Robert Mugabe, Xi
Jinping, and Kim Jong Un?


REPLY: And yet you aren't afraid of such an one?

PLAINTIFF: What's to fear? Your supreme being doesn't exist: he's a fantasy; along
with the likes of Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan, and Pikachu.

REPLY: Well then; I suggest utilizing whatever amount of time you have remaining
to begin preparing yourself for the worst. If things should work out for the better,
then great; but if not then at least you won't be taken by surprise.

Prov 22:3 . . A sensible person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions;
the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 119 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 8,288,112 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.
FAQ: What if I'm naturally dishonest; you know: born that way?

REPLY: You mean like Ps 58:3, which says:

"The wicked are estranged from the womb; these who speak lies go astray from

Well; that's pretty serious.

Rev 21:8 . . . All liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and
brimstone, which is the second death.

Rev 22:15 . . Outside are . . those who practice falsehood.

OBJECTION: I'm not a degenerate liar. I'm basically honest and lie only on

REPLY: But you're not 100% honest, i.e. you're a person of marginal integrity
whom God cannot rely upon to always tell Him the truth.

Liars don't need a rule book, instead; they need a miracle to liberate them from
themselves so they don't end up on the wrong side of things. In other words: they
need an overhaul from top to bottom and inside and out, i.e. a full and complete
renovation to get rid of that lying streak they were born with; to wit:

John 3:7 . . You should not be surprised at my saying that you must be born

It's my guess that most natural-born liars would agree that it's to their advantage
to start over again; equipped with propensities and predilections that God can

Ps 15:1-2 . Lord: who may dwell in Your sanctuary? Who may live on Your holy
hill? . . . He who speaks the truth from his heart.

POP CLOCK UPDATE: 121 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures
in post No.1 are in the ball park, then something like 8,427,408 new arrivals have
checked into the fiery sector of Hades since May 05, 2024.